July 20th Rally: More Honking, More Signatures, More Informed
Stamford, CT - Supporters for the humane treatment of homeless animals, a modern, no-kill shelter in Stamford, and Laurie Hollywood, the woman who brought Stamford Animal Control out of “the dark ages,” were out in force for a second Sunday in front of the Ferguson Library in downtown Stamford. The sunny afternoon brought no shortage of passers by intrigued as to what all the hubbub was about. While many ralliers carried signs calling for Stamford politicians to end the bureaucracy that has kept adoptable pets in a state of uncertainty and caged in cells from a bygone era, for many on the street it was a surprise to think a town with a citizenry as well-off and educated as Stamford might return to a format where unwanted pets are treated in the same manner as refuse.

As of this writing it can be noted that the city says adoptions are allowed, however when pressed, the policy seems unclear and seems to change daily. Inquiries indicate it’s a case-by-case scenario, where dogs available for adoption are unknown, many dogs are still in limbo, and Stamford Animal Control is still refusing to allow rescue groups to include dogs from the shelter in their list of available pets.
While collecting hundreds of signatures in support of a modern shelter some comments made included, “You mean they will kill dogs there?”, “Dogs aren’t walked?” , “Wow, what do you do when the shelter is full?” to “Why can’t I adopt a dog now?” and “How can this be going on since May?”. All excellent questions stop by next Sunday to sign the petition or sign online here - better yet contact the Mayor’s office and tell them it’s been too long and that you are tired of the gears of bureaucracy keeping your city in the dark ages.