Meet Tucker: A Brave Pup on the Road to Recovery

At OPIN, we believe every pet deserves a fighting chance, and Tucker’s story is a perfect example of why we do what we do.

Tucker, a lovable pup, recently found himself in a scary situation after ingesting a toy, which led to an emergency surgery.. His owner, Rebekah, was hit with unexpected costs, but OPIN was able to help cover part of the CUV invoice, ensuring Tucker got the care he needed.

Now on the mend, Tucker is adjusting to his temporary new routine. Since he can’t jump onto the bed for at least two weeks, he’s taken to sleeping at the foot of it, finding comfort and rest in his cozy spot. With the help of trazodone, he’s able to sleep peacefully as he heals.

We are so grateful to have been a part of Tucker’s journey, and we wish him a speedy recovery! Help pets like Tucker by donating to OPIN—every contribution makes a difference!

Wow! those are somE curls Tucker!

Sarah checking on her sleepy pal

Thank You From Sandy & Syntia

A HUGE THANK YOU to OPIN. With them i was able to get my cat (Sandy) the help he needed. My cat broke his leg and a surgery to fix it would've costed me thousands of dollars with their help i was actually able to afford his surgery. Please if you need ANY help with your animal OPIN is the place to go to. You will work with people who love your animal as much as you do. They are hardworking,compassionate, and warm-hearted they will do what they can to help. I will forever be grateful to them.


Sandy the cat

Opin Has Been a Tremendous Help for Simba

OPIN has been a tremendous help for Simba and myself. It is a true blessing to know of organizations such as this one that are passionate about helping owners and their pets to live happily together despite the financial struggles that come with life that make it difficult to keep up with physicals, shots and so forth.


Simba and I have been together since he was 2 he is now 4. It all started when a former high school classmate posted on Facebook that she was selling her dog for a very cheap price of $250 I thought this was too good to be true. But when I contacted her she was willing to even give me Simba for nothing in return all because she had known my mother from years ago. The reason she could no longer have Simba because she was in a limbo with her three children ,she was moving into a place that pets were not welcomed at all. I’m glad I was able to come to the rescue . We like to go on long walks and go to parks. He is love-able, respectful and so very smart ! Love my companion Simba he brightens my day every single day!

Homeless to Mayor: JR (nee Henry) Finds a Home

Hi Jenny,

Hope all is well. I am emailing this to you on behalf of my Mother, Jackie.

When we first got him, his name was Henry, we had to change that since my father and Jackie's Husband's name is Henry. It was a bit weird when my mom would yell "really Henry why must you take all the toilet paper off the roll and rip it into a million pieces, and my dad would answer " I didn't do that, it wasn't me" So we came up with the name JR for Henry Jr. “JR” as he is known as now is not only a wonderful addition to our small family but also known as the Mayor of the neighborhood.

Everyone in the neighborhood knows and loves JR. We even have a long time neighbor who looks out the window waiting for JR to go on this walks so they can give him a few of his favorite cookies. And a little boy named Vinny whose family just moved to the neighborhood recently always looks out for JR and loves to walk him.

JR, now 4 years old is very playful. He loves to play catch with balls, prop himself on the top of the couch looking out the window for hours staring at the cars driving up and down the street and every so often gets a burst of energy where he runs as fast as he can all thought out the house.

He especially likes opening up Christmas presents whether they are his or not. And when I come over and visit he is always standing by the door,bouncing up and down like he is on a pogo stick excited to see me.

He has a great appetite, he loves to eat boiled chicken everyday on the couch watching TV (I may add as a child I wasn't able to eat anything in the living room let alone on the couch). He loves his bacon flavored snacks and his favorite is his Greenies!!!!

In my opinion he is pretty spoiled. I am their only child and I know that I am a distant second in their eyes, lol.

As mentioned before JR has been a great addition to our family and we love spending every moment with him that we can. We have always had dogs.

But this guy is really special to us. We are grateful that we have him.

Attached is a few of our favorite pictures of JR.


The Henze Family (Jackie , Henry, Justin, Melanie and our puppy Teddy)

Sully - The True Meaning of Rescue!

Last Christmas OPIN courtesy posted Sully, a sweet young boy that needed to be re homed (sadly during the Holiday Season).. the magic of the season (and power of Facebook shares) ran its course and along came Dawn!! This amazing woman opened her heart and home to beautiful Sully!
Sully’s story is the true meaning of rescue; he went from a home where he was not valued, to a loving and supportive home where he is nurtured, appreciated, adored and truly valued.
Sully has blossomed to be the dog he was meant to be!
Thank you, Dawn!!!!

Royce is Rolling Again!

OPIN Helps with ACL Surgery

OPIN recently helped Royce with ACL surgery.  Very happy to say that all is going well.  Here's a note from his family:

"Our thanks to Opin because without your help this surgery wouldn't of happened, we are just happy to have our boy back and pray for a speedy recovery!"  - Vega Family

On the way home

Molly - Pauper to Princess?

This is Molly wearing her "diamond" (crystals) heart, by my dear friend who made the wonderful tiaras and other dazzling jewelry for Downton Abbey AND the wedding necklace for Miss Piggy of the Muppets!  As always, she is in very good company!  Very difficult to get her to sit still enough to get a really good picture -- Miss perpetual motion!  



Nyla is doing great!

OPIN heard from Hortense and Thomas, their dog Nyla is doing great!  Running and playing in the yard, "I'm so happy you saved my doggy's life.  Thank you."   

Nyla had a progressive muscle degenerative idiopathic situation- OPIN was able to fund her treatments, amputation and rehabilitation - Nyla is doing so well, vibrant happy sweet pup

One Year Later - Together Again

It's Amazing How Things Work Out

Just over a year ago, OPIN helped place Princess, a beautiful collie. Princess' owner could no longer care for her due to a physical disability. Well didn't we select just the right family! We recently received the following heartwarming message from Amanda who kept in touch with Frank since taking Princess home.



Just wanted to give you an update on Frank and Princess.  After Princess came to live with us, we were visiting Frank every few weeks. He required 2 hip replacement surgeries and both rehabs allowed us to bring Princess to visit him. When he was ready to leave rehab he was a little nervous about being on his own and, coincidentally, we were in contract on a house that had an Acorn stair chair and a downstairs living suite. So, we came up with a plan to reunite him with Princess. He moved in and we have been one happy family ever since. I'm attaching a photo of tonight at dinner. So, now Frank and Princess have finally been reunited and we gained a new family member! Thanks for all your help!


Ozzy in the Park! A Happy Tail!

Hi Jenny,  

Sending a shot of Ozzy from the new dog park in Guilford.  He is great with the other dogs!  He has really relaxed at home and is even trying to steal goodies from the treat canister.  He wouldn't be a little naughty if he weren't comfortable😊.  He is a dream of a dog, fits so well into our lives and is as sweet as they come.  We feel so very lucky 🍀🍀🍀. Thank you again for selecting us to adopt him!!

Lee and Lauragene



Theo and Loki - Meowy Christmas 2016

Hello OPIN, 

Theo and Loki wanted to say hi and wish everyone a Happy Holiday. They are enjoying their new home, doing really well and given lots of love! We were wondering if you could forward this message along to their siblings and mother as well?! 

Thank you for rescuing them we love them so much and they are such sweet kitties.


The Turechek Family 

Joey: Kick the Holiday Season Off With A Wonderful Story

Catching up with Joey!   Check out this great story of Joey today and a recap of his early days with OPIN.

Hi folks at OPIN,

Now that it has been a whole year since we added Joey to the family, I wanted to send along a picture of him with all of us.  He is the sweetest dog and we absolutely adore him.  He has been such a wonderful addition to the family that we all fight over who gets to sit with him on the couch!  I can’t thank you all enough for all the great work you do saving special animals like Joey.  I know he had a rough start, but you provided him with the help he needed to make it through and we are grateful that we have been able to have him as part of our family.

All the best,

The O’Brien family

Joey is black dog, third from right.

Joey is black dog, third from right.

Take a look back at Joey's early history with OPIN

A Smile for Kelly and Parents

Kelly is a 12 year old beagle who was suffering from an infected tooth.  A couple of weeks ago OPIN was contacted to see if they could help Kelly's retired parents get Kelly proper medical attention.  Turns out that Kelly needed major extractions and OPIN provided a grant and loan to make it happen at Rippowam

Hi Ali!
My mom called me this afternoon and she was so happy and so incredibly thankful for you. I can’t thank you enough for everything that you have done for them especially putting my mom at ease. She has had a very rough year being diagnosed with cancer and I’m not sure what she would do if something happened to her Kelly. You are a real blessing. Thank you, Thank you!!😊

Update: Harry's (Aka Sammy) progress!

Hi Jenny,

I apologize for not keeping in contact with you about Harry's (Aka Sammy) progress.

I just took this & thought you might like it. Harry is a fantastic dog!! He loves to play, also a cuddler.

I just adopted another dog so he & I would have another companion. He plays with her & tires her out!! He's a little jealous, & he lets her know her place in the pack.

I'm grateful that you let me adopt him. He's a great buddy to have.

