Happy Anniversary Kioshi!
/Dear Ali & Jenny,
Hope you and everyone from OPIN are doing well! I came across Kioshi's adoption papers the other day and
realized it's been a little over 1 year since he's been living with me :) I simply wanted to take this opportunity to thank you again for hooking me up with such a great dog...he's been a great addition to my family and has made the last year a lot of fun! As you know, he's very energetic so we've spent a lot of time doing activities outdoors- from hiking quite a bit around Lake Mohegan to playing fetch and our daily walks here in town! We even took a couple of road trips to Chicago during this past year!
![adopt a dog from shelter](https://static1.squarespace.com/static/57157eb986db43ad4d6f6fee/t/571588f43b0cdb369f342be6/1393186354837/1000w/kioshi-head.jpg)
I am happy to report that Kioshi continues to super friendly to all humans and has also helped Rudy (my sisters dog who's living with us until May and who had tendencies to disagree with dogs) overcome his fear of dogs. I've attached some of the pics from this last year :)
Thanks again for Kioshi and for the great work that you all do at OPIN!